
2023-2024 Executive Board Members

President: Carol Balque

Vice President of Memberships: Amanda Honea

Vice President of Fundraising: Angie Cockfield

Vice President of Programs: Ashley Kittrell

Secretary: Jill Kinman

Treasurer: Cherish Valentin

Parliamentarian: Ricky Valentin

Teacher Liaison: Jess Ogbeide

2023-2024 Committee Chairs

Communications Chair: Desiree Slager

Spirit Nights Chair: Kayleigh Marolt

Room Rep Chair: Lindsey Gibson

Clothing Closet Chair: Macedonia Rojas Solis

Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant

Hospitality Chair: Vacant

Watch Dogs Chair: Vacant

Open Committee Chair Positions

We are currently inviting interested parents to join our PTA Committees for the 2023-2024 school year.

If you are interested in any of these roles please e-mail us at info.bagdadpta@gmail.com with your name and a contact e-mail or phone number. 

If you are unsure about committing to a position on the board, but would like to know more about how the board works and what we do, please e-mail us at the same address above with your questions.